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Patterson School of Accountancy
University of Mississippi

Giving to the Patterson School of Accountancy

Give to the PSOA

Support Needs

Endowed Gifts to Support Faculty

Named Chair Proposed gift of $1.5 million. Examples are the Peery Chair and the Reynolds Chair.
Named Professorship Proposed gift of $500,000. An example is the KPMG Professorship.
Named Lectureship Proposed gift of $250,000. An example is the Andersen Lectureship.


Endowed Gifts to Support Students

Named Master’s Assistantship/
Proposed gift of $80,000. This generates an assistantship of $4,000 per year. Example is the Annie Bell Friou Tax Fellowship.
Named Undergraduate Scholarship – Level 1 Proposed gift of $60,000 per scholarship awarded. This generates $3,000 per year. Examples are the Davis, Peery, McCarty and Friou Scholarships.
Named Undergraduate Scholarship – Level 2 Proposed gift of $30,000 per scholarship awarded. This generates $1,500 per year. Examples are the Minor, DeMiller and Weakley Scholarships.


Unrestricted Gifts to Support Faculty

Faculty Stipends and Summer Support Most of our faculty members are on nine-month contracts. We make every effort to provide some summer support for all faculty to continue their research efforts and their professional development efforts.
Development Support
Many of our faculty are nationally renowned for their work and present their research and findings at national and international conferences. Travel support is needed for these efforts.
Faculty Excellence Funds Unrestricted funds are needed to reward and support the efforts of outstanding faculty.


Unrestricted Gifts to Support Students

Scholarships from Unrestricted Funds We currently award some student scholarships from unrestricted funds. Examples are the Accountancy Alumni Chapter Awards and the Collins Scholarships.
Student Travel and Organizations Support Our Beta Alpha Psi Chapter travels to regional and national meetings to compete with chapters from other schools. These expenses usually are paid through unrestricted giving.


University Recognized Annual Unrestricted Giving Levels (All gifts are annual and support the overall efforts of the Patterson School)

Patron $25,000+
Benefactor $10,000-$24,999
Executive $5,000-$9,999
Advocate $2,500-$4,999
Associate $1,000-$2,499
Steward $500-$999
Senior Partner $250-499
Partner $100-$249
Friend $0-$99


Creation of Centers of Excellence

Accounting Fraud and Ethical Studies Center The objective of the center would be to develop superior approaches to prevent, detect and deter fraud and corruption, and to teach these skills to others. The center would (1) sponsor and conduct research studies on accounting fraud, (2) introduce fraud and ethics education into all accounting courses taught at the university, and (3) offer continuing education programs for accountants and business owners and managers. Annual cost of $225,000 per year – Endowment of $4.5 million
Center for Accountancy Internships The objective of the center would be to give students an opportunity to combine academic preparation with practical exposure to the accounting profession. This experience is beneficial to students not only upon graduation, but it also complements the remainder of their undergraduate and graduate education. Annual cost of $128,000 per year – Endowment of $2.56 million
Center for Doctoral Studies in Accounting There is a critical shortage of doctoral qualified accounting faculty in the U.S. The Patterson School has the senior faculty, library and opportunity to help meet this critical need. Annual cost of $154,000 per year – Endowment of $3.08 million
Center for Support of the National Library of the Accounting Profession The Patterson School and the J.D. Williams Library hold the finest accounting library in the world. Continuing support is needed to provide the necessary service to the profession and to meet the changing technologies of libraries. Annual cost of $140,000 per year – Endowment of $2.8 million


Building and Technology Improvements

Wireless Technology Enhancement for the Business and Accountancy Complex The School of Accountancy provides two computer labs for use by students in a classroom setting and for research presentation work. At present, the computers are 4 years old. In addition, a large percentage of our students are using laptop computers in study rooms and classrooms. There is a significant demand for wireless technology throughout the complex. Estimated cost – $100,000

Recent Patterson School of Accountancy Giving News